About Us

Song Central is the home of Australia’s favourite songwriting competitions!

Song Central is a platform for original songs, music and lyrics

Song Central is a platform for original songs, music and lyrics where songwriters can access songwriting contests as well as hear about opportunities to further develop their craft via songwriting workshops etc.

You can enter songwriting competitions hosted by Song Central on behalf of organisations that include the Australian Songwriters Association (ASA), the Tamworth Songwriters Association (TSA), the Songwriters Composers & Lyricists Association (SCALA)  & the Australian Bush Balladeers Association (ABBA) etc.  We also list other songwriting contests both within Australia as well as in the international.

Our History

Song Central has been around for songwriters since 2008. It started life as an online marketplace for original songs and music as we were very aware of the ‘plight of the unknown songwriter’ and the challenge of getting your songs out etc. Back then, it was very difficult to get your songs out without knowing someone or being known.

Not all songwriters are singer/songwriters, so the goal is to find an artist to record and/or perform your songs or an industry ready to produce and commercialise your songs. 

The process of sourcing music from ‘unknown sources’  also presented a challenge for those in the music industry.  Whilst they are always keen to discover new songs and songwriting talent, the process of finding it is difficult. Song Central provided a level playing field and a ‘bridge’ that enabled those searching for new material (and talent) to find it without having to know the creator (first).

Our Journey

Our journey took us along some very bumpy roads with some unforeseen technical challenges that de-railed us for a while – but our mission to provide opportunities for songwriter creatives and for original songs and music has never waivered and sees us finding more ways to help songwriters.

We are great supporters of the ASA, the TSA, SCALA and others and encourage songwriters to join these wonderful associations. Each provide services and opportunities for songwriters in the form of workshops, online critiquing sessions, performance opportunities as well as running annual songwriting competitions.

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